Archive | March, 2015

Privacy / Terms of Service

03 Mar

The submission of any information is only related to your name and email address for purposes of responding to a request on your part for additional information. We do not sell, lend, rent provide access to any information of our members or those whom have requested information.

If you submit a request for information we will utilize the information you provide to follow through with your specific request.

Unique Beer and Wine Holders

01 Mar
Jerry Selig

Jerry Selig

Jerry Selig has been visiting Southwest Harbor and Downeast Maine for the last 30 years.  He currently owns a B&B with his wife in SW Harbor.   The idea for these unique beer and wine holders came from the desire to incorporate Marine ropes with a way to keep a beer cold in hot weather and to keep your hands warm in cold weather.

The lobster spindle ring enables the devise to be adjusted to fit various size wine and beer bottles.Southwest Harbor Beer & Wine Lines

These holders are available in a wide range of colors and combinations from NFL Team Colors to school colors or any design you wish.

We take custom orders of any size and offer our craft at many local and regional Oktoberfest’s and other events.

Please contact us at our website or call 443-497-1278 for more information.